Brazil is expected to reach a production of 268.9 million tons of grains, according to the second survey of the 2020/21 crop, released by the National Supply Company (Conab) on November 10. This represents an increase of 11.9 million tons or 4.6% compared to the 2019/2020 season. In relation to the volume estimated last month, there was an increase of 269,000 tons. With this result, Brazil is on its way to breaking a new record.
The new estimate considers the recovery of productivity of soybean and corn crops. Both were severely damaged by drought in 2019, especially in Rio Grande do Sul. Despite the delay in rainfall this year, producers accelerated the pace and as of November 6 have planted 55% of the estimated area, against 56% in the same period of last harvest. The first corn crop was at 54%, against 42% a year ago.
Another factor that contributes for the record is the increase in the planted area. This year, the forecast is that 67.1 million hectares will be cultivated, 1.8% more than last crop. This makes for a record planted area as well.
The production of soy should reach 135 million tons, confirming the country as the world's largest producer of oilseeds. The cultivation area is estimated at 38.2 million hectares. The total crop of corn is also expected to be the largest in history, with production estimated at 104.9 million tons, harvested on 18.4 million hectares (total area).
November 10, 2020 / MAPA / Brazil.