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Brazil: Increase in pork exports expected from two states

Now that two of the three leading pork-producing states are on the OIE list of states free of FMD without vaccination, new opportunities should open up for the pork industry.

2 June 2021

The recognition of Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) among the new areas classified as free of foot-and-mouth disease without vaccination should open new opportunities for pork exporters in Brazil, according to the Brazilian Animal Protein Association (ABPA).

Paraná and Rio Grande exporters could increase their sales by more than 10% this year, reaching up to 35% in 2022, compared to the volumes exported in 2020. For comparison, Rio Grande do Sul has the potential to reach up to 293,000 tons this year, generating revenues of approximately US$ 715 million, US$ 86 million more than in 2020. In 2022, Rio Grande do Sul sales could reach 350,000 tons, with an estimated foreign currency income of US$ 850 million. As a reference, in 2020, total shipments from the state reached 261,000 tons with an income of US $ 629 million. In the case of Paraná, there is potential for the state to export approximately 145,000 tons in 2021, a more than 5% increase over 2020, with estimated revenues of approximately US$ 332 million. By 2022, estimates indicate that 165,000 tons can be exported with a foreign currency income of US$ 377 million.

Together, Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul may have foreign currency revenues in excess of US$ 1.2 billion [$ 1,200 million] in 2022, well above the US$ 820 million obtained in 2020. Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul join the states of Acre and Rondônia and parts of Amazonas and Mato Grosso, which are among the newly recognized areas. To date, only Santa Catarina has held this status since 2007.

May 31, 2021/ ABPA/ Brazil.

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