According to the data of the Brazilian Association of Animal Protein (ABPA), in 2016 pork exports (including fresh and processed products) reached 732.9 thousand tonnes, an increase by 32% with respect to the 555.5 thousand tonnes exported in 2015, confirming the good year experienced by the Brazilian pig sector in the international market. In terms of value, the pork exports in 2016 reached US$1,483 million (+16% with respect to 2015, with US$1,279 million).
“The excellent result of the exports helped to alleviate the effects of the deceleration of the domestic consumption, affected by the Brazilian economic crisis. In this context, the contribution of Hong Kong, China and South American countries to the total exports was very positive, reducing the reliance on the sales to Russia”, said Mr. Francisco Turra, CEO of the ABPA.

In December alone, the exports reached 50.9 thousand tonnes (+9.8% in comparison with December 2015, with 46.3 thousand tonnes).
The main destination of the Brazilian exports was Russia (33% of the total, 245.1 thousand tonnes), followed by Hong Kong (22.7%, 164.2 thousand tonnes) and China (12.1%, 87.8 thousand tonnes). Other important markets were Singapore (32.6 thousand tonnes), Uruguay (29.4 thousand tonnes), Argentina (25.2 thousand tonnes) and Chile (23.1 thousand tonnes).
Tuesday, 17 January 2017/ ABPA/ Brazil.