The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply's Secretariat of Agricultural Defense (Mapa) has developed a project to expand the national market for animal products from agro-industries throughout the country. The proposal aims to encourage municipalities, organized in public consortiums, to receive technical guidance and train their veterinarians in inspection services of products of animal origin in order to join the Brazilian System of Inspection of Products of Animal Origin (Sisbi).
Initially, a pilot project will be carried out giving support to ten selected public consortiums throughout Brazil. "The consortiums must have legal authorization to operate in the area of animal product inspection, have a veterinary inspection team compatible with the demand of agribusinesses and, most importantly, have agribusinesses interested in expanding the trade of their products to more municipalities of the consortium itself and then to the entire national territory," explains the Secretary of Agricultural Defense, José Guilherme Leal.

Applications are accepted electronically until May 4 to be part of the ten public consortiums in this first phase. After the evaluating the documents, there will be interviews, via videoconference, with the president of the consortium, the director or executive secretary, and the veterinary inspection coordinator. The project is to be held in the second half of 2020.
The Mapa initiative has the support of the National Confederation of Municipalities (CNM), the National Confederation of Intermunicipal Consortia (Conaci) and the National Network of Public Consortia.
April 23, 2020 / MAPA / Brazil