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Brazil: Meat supply recovering in domestic market, reaching historic highs

With increased production, the per capita availability also grows, reaching 96 kilos per inhabitant per year.

3 May 2023

The supply of meat in the domestic market is expected to recover this year and may reach the highest level in the historical series. According to the supply table, prepared by the National Supply Company (Conab), considering the three main types of animal protein consumed by Brazilians, the amount of product in the domestic market is projected at 20.77 million tons, an increase of 5% compared to the estimated volume in 2022.

With the higher production, the per capita availability also grows, reaching 96 kilos per inhabitant per year - the second highest ever recorded, second only to 2013. The increase in the indicator occurs even with the growth of the Brazilian population.

Pork production will be high, possibly exceeding 5.3 million tons - the highest volume in the historical series. The per capita availability of the product tends to be stable in relation to 2022, at around 19 kilos per inhabitant per year. The increase in the supply of the product in the domestic market is compensated by the increase in the population and exports.

April 27, 2023/ CONAB/ Brazil.

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