The monthly production costs of pigs and broilers calculated by CIAS, Embrapa's Poultry and Swine Intelligence Center, increased significantly in August. The cost index for pig production (ICPSuíno) reached 288.40 points, an increase of 6.60% over the previous month, and is a new nominal record for the index while the chicken index closed August with 282.48 points, + 6.23% over July, and also reached the highest score since its creation.
The increase in the pig production cost index was driven by a 5.93% variation in nutrition costs (reaching 17.63% in 2020 and, in the last 12 months, reaching 24.71%). The cost per kilogram of live pig produced in a farrow-to-finish system in Santa Catarina went from R$ 4.73 in July to a record R$ 5.04 in August.
October 2020 / Embrapa / Brazil.