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Brazil: Indicators for the first half of 2022

Pig slaughter and pork production continue to increase despite the drop in exports. Domestic demand remains strong and is reflected in the considerable increase in apparent consumption.

8 September 2022

The following is a summary of the main trends in the Brazilian swine industry for the first half of the year:

Source: Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics IBGE, Comexstat, and USDA. Variations % compared to the same period of 2021. Figures in thousands of tons.

Source: Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics IBGE, Comexstat, and USDA. Variations % compared to the same period of 2021. Figures in thousands of tons.

  • The pig slaughter for the first half of the year totaled 27.6 million head, which represents a 6.9% growth compared to the same period of 2021 with 25.8 million head.
  • Pork production reached 2,545.4 thousand tons, representing an increase of 6.4% compared to the 2,392.4 thousand tons produced in the same period of the previous year.
  • The volume of exports fell by 9.8% in the period analyzed, from 552.3 thousand tons to 498.2 thousand tons. 89% of total exports were frozen pork (444 thousand tons), while offal (33 thousand tons) and bone-in hams and shoulders (11 thousand tons) accounted for 6.6% and 2.1%, respectively.
  • Imports stood at 4.8 thousand tons for this first semester, which represented an increase of 161.2% compared to the same period of 2021 (1.8 thousand tons). The most imported items were pork fat and frozen offal, with shares of 49.7% and 32.5%, respectively.
  • With an increase of 11.4%, apparent consumption went from 1,841.9 thousand tons in the first half of 2021 to 2,052.0 thousand tons in the first half of 2022.

Economics and Market Intelligence Department of 333 Latin America, with data from: Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics IBGE | Brazil.
| Comexstat | Brazil.
| USDA | United States.

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