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Brazil creates a platform for e-commerce of agricultural and livestock products

The aim of the platform is to facilitate the marketing of products from the field, bringing producers and consumers closer together, providing an opportunity for pig farmers as well.

18 May 2020

With the benefits of e-commerce in mind during the current pandemic situation that requires reduced social interaction and, consequently, reduced contact between producers and consumers, the National Confederation of Agriculture (CNA), with the support of the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply (Mapa), has developed a new platform that aims to promote the marketing of agricultural and livestock products online.

The portal, launched this past April, aims to bring together rural producers from all over the country, e-commerce applications, end users, retail chains, and logistics companies. The portal already has nearly 300 registered producers from almost all the states of the federation, most of which are from Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Paraná, Bahia and Goiás. More than 100 buyers from various regions of the country have also registered.

The tool is free to use and has three registration profiles: the rural producer, listing his production, indicating the region in which he is located, and his commercialization channels; the buyers, with their desired products, the quantity and mode of delivery they need; and the carrier, indicating the regions in which they operate and the type of cargo they transport.

According to the CNA, with trade down in general, this is a measure to help producers channel production by matching up supply and demand. Thus, rural producers gain access to new sales channels, buyers expand their network of suppliers, and logistics companies make delivery possible.

The president of the Brazilian Association of Swine Farmers (ABCS), Marcelo Lopes, praises the initiative and says that this is a new business opportunity that the entire production chain should consider.

April 21, 2020 / ABCS / Brazil

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