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Brazil: Record-high cereal production expected in 2024/25

This reflects an increase in planted area, estimated at 81.6 million hectares, and a recovery in average productivity (4023 kg/ha).

20 March 2025

With the completion of sowing the first harvest crops and the intensification of harvesting these products, the current estimate of grain production in the 2024/25 harvest was updated and stands at 328.3 million tons, an increase of 10.3% over the volume obtained in the previous season, representing an increase of 30.6 million tons to be harvested. The result reflects both an increase in planted area, estimated at 81.6 million hectares, and a recovery in average crop productivity, projected at 4023 kg/ha. If the prospects are confirmed at the end of the season, this will be a new production record in the National Supply Company (Conab) historical series.

The main product grown in the first harvest, soybeans, has an estimated production of 167.4 million tons, 13.3% higher than the previous harvest. After a slower start to the harvest, due to delays in planting and excess rainfall in January, reduced rainfall in February led to a significant increase in harvested area. This week the harvest rate stands at 60.9% of the area, higher than that recorded in the same period of the previous season, as well as the average of the last five years, according to the Harvest Advance published by Conab.

The soybean harvest marks the pace of planting of the second corn crop, which has already reached 83.1% of the planned area. Conab expects the area of the second cereal harvest to grow by 1.9%, reaching approximately 16.75 million hectares. Weather conditions so far are favorable and a recovery of the crop's average productivity, estimated at 5703 kg/ha, is estimated. As a result, the production of the second grain harvest alone is projected at 95.5 million tons, an increase of 5.8% compared to 2023/24.

March 13, 2025/ CONAB/ Brazil.

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