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Brazil: Santa Catarina launches emergency credit line for pig farmers

The emergency loan meets a need in the swine industry, which has been severely affected by the increase in inputs, especially grain for feed.

16 May 2022

The State Secretary of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development of Santa Catarina, Brazil's largest pork producer and exporter, is launching an emergency credit line to minimize losses for independent swine farmers.

The Special Interest Subsidy Project in support of Swine Farming in Santa Catarina will be backed by resources from the State Government and the Legislative Assembly and will support the industry, which is facing losses due to the increase in production costs.

With the Emergency Subsidy Project for Swine Farming, producers will be able to contract financing of up to R$ 400,000 and the State Government will pay interest with a limit of 5% per year. The measure is valid for non-integrated producers who qualify for Pronaf or Pronamp.

The emergency credit meets a need of the production sector affected by the increase in inputs, especially feed. According to the Santa Catarina Pig Farmers Association, production costs have reached R$ 8/kg of pork, while sales are around R$ 4.70.

April 27, 2022/ GOVERNO SC/ Brazil.

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