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Brazil: significant decrease in pork exports

Throughout July, Brazilian pork exports reached 36.104 tons, which signifies a 17,52% decrease in volume and a 13,28% decrease in value. The main cause of this decrease was the Russian embargo on pork meat decreed on June 2nd, which came into effect on June15th.

2 September 2011

Throughout July, Brazilian pork exports reached 36.104 tons, which signifies a 17,52% decrease in volume and a 13,28% decrease in value. The main cause of this decrease was the Russian embargo on pork meat decreed on June 2nd, which came into effect on June15th.

The Russian market is an important market for meat in general, and especially for pork meat. In July, exports to Russia were only 3.983 tons, compared with the 19.420 tons in July of 2010, representing a decrease of 79,49%.

With respect to accrued statistics, during the first six months of this year exports have been situated at 302.957 tons, which represents a drop of 3,35% compared to the same time last year, during which time the number rose to 313.468 tons and the value saw an increase of 7,74%.

On the other hand we have seen an increase of exports to other countries. Hong Kong and Ukraine, occupying second and third place as the largest producers, increased their imports by 80,88% and 70,80%, respectively, throughout June while Argentina, the fourth largest destination of Brazilian pork, saw a reduction of 5,05% in volume and a 3,90% increase in profits.

Abipecs/ Brasil.

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