The Ministry of Agriculture of Brazil has decided to strengthen the health measures related to the imported live pigs to guarantee that some diseases, such as porcine epidemic diarrhoea, do not enter the country.
In order to improve the safety of the imports from US (where the disease started on May 2013) and from all the countries that export live pigs, genetic material and feed supplies, technical procedures have been implemented, as for instance an increased rigour of the health requirements for these transactions.
A visit of the Brazilian federal agricultural authorities to US is foreseen in order to investigate, on site, the fulfilment of the health conditions required by the Brazilian government.
Also, only those pigs that have gone through the inspections in their country of origin and a quarantine period of at least 30 days in a biosafety centre located in Cananéia (SP) will be allowed to enter Brazil, as this will rule out the entrance of diseases such as PED, among others, in the country.
Another of the actions carried out affects the Agriculture Federal Superintendence (AGS) of the states. The Department of Animal Health ruled that all the importation applications will have to be handed for their checking and approval in Brasilia.
Wednesday April 9, 2014/ MAPA/ Brazil.