The EMBRAPA launched the first 'Suíno light' (low-fat pig), called MS58, eighteen years ago, and has now launched in the market the female genetic line MO25C, betting on a low-fat pork, and thus offering and added value so the producers can be competitive in the market.
The EMBRAPA's progresses in pig genetics have allowed access to genetic improvement, especially to the independent producers that are not part of large integration companies.

According to the researcher Elsio Figueiredo, "the production of swine genetic material in Brazil is focused on the large companies of the pig sector, and this complicates the access to genetic quality at affordable prices for the small producers. Due to this, the EMPRAPA decided to implement this project to develop a female line that could be used together with a male line available in the market to produce meat with a different quality".
Wednesday, 22 October 2014/ EMBRAPA/ Brazil.