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Brazil: the swine sector crisis reaches the Senate

Swine producers in the south are on the verge of bankruptcy due largely to the decline in exports to countries like Russia and Argentina.

13 June 2012

The crisis that is affecting the pig industry in Brazil reached the Senate last week.

According to Senator Amelia Ana Lemos (PP-RS), pork producers in the south are on the verge of bankruptcy due largely to the decline in exports to countries like Russia and Argentina, traditional markets for this type of meat.

The plight of pig farmers has increased in recent days. The latest data published by Cepea (Center for Advanced Studies in Applied Economics - USP / ESALQ) indicates that live hog prices and meat have been devalued in recent days in most regions.

Weak demand for pork in this time of year, accentuated by the low prices of competitors, has reduced the industry's interest in the acquisition of animals for sacrifice.

Monday June 4, 2012/ ABCS/ Brazil.

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