The authorized Brazilian refrigeration plants will be able to market six types of pork products: feet, tongue, snout, mask, ears and tails.
The approved plants are: BRF (Campos Novos), Pamplona Alimentos (Presidente Getúlio and Rio do Sul plants), Central Aurora Food Cooperative (Joaçaba and Chapecó plants) and Seara Alimentos (São Miguel do Oeste and Itapiranga plants).

Exports can begin immediately, according to the Minister. These new authorizations are the result of negotiations held during President Jair Bolsonaro's trip to China at the end of October. The Minister of Agriculture, Tereza Cristina, was also in Beijing from the 18th to the 25th of last month and held discussions with the Chinese government.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019/ MAPA/ Brazil.