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Brazil: Grain harvest estimated to reach 312.5 million tons for 22/23

The strong performance is explained not only by an increase in the area planted but also by improved yields. However, the final result still depends on the weather, a determining factor for the development of second and third-harvest crops.

18 April 2023

As the harvest of first crops reaches its final stage, the production of grains in Brazil in the 2022/23 season is estimated at 312.5 million tons, representing an increase of 40.1 million tons compared to the 2021/22 season - a 15% increase. In the case of the planted area, an increase of 3.3% is expected, which corresponds to the incorporation of 2.5 million hectares, bringing the total to 77 million hectares. These data are available in the 7th Grain Crop Survey released on April 13 by the National Supply Company (Conab).

Soybeans continue to be the product with the highest harvested volume in the country, with an estimated production of 153.6 million tons. With the harvest index at 78.2%, as indicated by the Crop Progress Report released this week by the Company, good farm yields continue to be confirmed and are estimated at 3,527 kilograms per hectare.

For corn, Conab points to an increase both in area and production. The grain crop is estimated at 21.97 million hectares, an increase of 1.8%, with an increase in the area planted in the second harvest and a reduction in the first. The total harvest is estimated at 124.88 million tons, influenced by the production increase of 8.8% in the first harvest and 11% in the second, reaching 27.24 million tons and 95.32 million tons, respectively.

April 13, 2023/ CONAB/ Brazil.

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