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Brazilian pork exports up 25% in first trimester of 2021

Brazilian exports of pork (fresh and processed) reached 351,800 tons.

21 May 2021

Brazilian pork exports (fresh and processed) reached 351,800 tons in the January to April 2021 period, an increase of 25.3% compared to the same period last year, according to data from the Brazilian Association of Animal Protein (ABPA).

Pork sales have also been outstanding in the domestic market. Retail purchases grew 80% from July 2020 to January this year, according to the Brazilian Association of Swine Producers (ABCS).

Brazilians' perception of pork has been changing in recent years. The consumer identifies the protein as healthy and recommended by many doctors and nutritionists. According to the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), Brazilians consume an average of 16.86 kilograms of pork per person per year.

Even with good numbers in the domestic market, pork producers have been facing some difficulties. The cost of production has been increasing in the last several months. Feeding the animals represents 80% of the costs of the activity.

The conquest of the foreign market and the increase in Brazilian consumption are also results of efficient sanitary surveillance. That's why the Ministry of Agriculture, the CNA (Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil), and other entities are working on the pilot project for vaccinating in the area that is not free of classical swine fever (CSF). The goal is to achieve international recognition for Brazil as an area free of the disease.

May 18, 2021/ CNA/ Brazil.

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