
Bulgaria - Agriculture Fund starts paying compensations to farmers in FMD affected areas

SFA begins paying compensations to farmers affected by FMD in municipalities of Sredets, Tsarevo and Malko Turnovo, Burgas, upon the decision of the Management Board of the SFA. The funds will be transferred till the end of the quarantine period of 3 months.
20 April 2011
SFA begins paying compensations to farmers affected by FMD in municipalities of Sredets, Tsarevo and Malko Turnovo, Burgas, upon the decision of the Management Board of the SFA. The funds will be transferred till the end of the quarantine period of 3 months.

Support is given under the ‘de minimis’ state aid scheme in order animals susceptible to FMD to be fed. In order the funds to reach to farmers more quickly, the management of SFA has created an organization and send its experts from SFA headquarters and the Regional Directorate in Burgas in the affected municipalities.

The total amount of financial assistance which a farmer could get may not exceed the BGN equivalent of EUR 7,500 over three fiscal years.


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