
Bulgaria - MAF has prepared a program to reduce pollution caused by nitrates

Since the beginning of this year a program on measures for restricting and liquidating nitrate pollution from agricultural sources in vulnerable zones came into force. Application period is from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2014 The program is compulsory for all farmers of nitrate vulnerable zones in the country.
25 May 2011
Since the beginning of this year a program on measures for restricting and liquidating nitrate pollution from agricultural sources in vulnerable zones came into force. Application period is from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2014 The program is compulsory for all farmers of nitrate vulnerable zones in the country.

General precautions for nitrogen fertilizer use including, organic and mineral fertilizers, should be distributed evenly over the soil with specialized equipment and plowed under immediately after spraying. Fresh manure application is not permitted. The solid manure is stored under normal conditions at least 6 months, while liquid manure should be stored for at least 4 months before application

To avoid the risk of excess nitrate amount in plants and soil, the quantity of nitrogen compounds imported from organic fertilizers for all crops must not exceed 17 kg per hectare during the year. The rates of nitrogen fertilization are based on agrochemical soil analysis.


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