
Bulgaria - Three new sources of Foot and Mouth Disease found in domesticated animals

The three new sources have been diagnosed after detecting clinical symptoms compatible with the disease in cows. The diagnostic was confirmed later by the National Reference Laboratory. After the confirmation, fallowing was initiated on the affected farms and the animals were slaughtered and buried. The total number of animals affected was 339 cows and 11 pigs.
30 March 2011
The three new sources have been diagnosed after detecting clinical symptoms compatible with the disease in cows. The diagnostic was confirmed later by the National Reference Laboratory. After the confirmation, fallowing was initiated on the affected farms and the animals were slaughtered and buried. The total number of animals affected was 339 cows and 11 pigs.

The animals with clinical symptoms belonged to three different farms, all situated in the same municipality of Sredets (Burgas). Since the beginning of the epidemic, five sources have been identified in the same county. The investigation has not yet clarified the origin of the sources.


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