
Canada - Canadian Pork Council to distribute traceability ear tags

As part of a national swine tracing system, the Canadian Pork council has begun to hand out traceability ear tags.
26 July 2010
As part of a national swine tracing system, the Canadian Pork council has begun to hand out traceability ear tags.

The primary objective of distributing traceability ear tags is to be able to quickly trace back swine and the affected areas in the event of a crisis such as a food safety issue or disease outbreak. The swine traceability system is branded as PigTrace Canada. The initial distribution will be made to the breeding herds of Canada. Most breeding animals in Canada already have tags for management purposes in barns.

The new tags will contain a unique traceability number in addition to a space provided for a barn or room management number with an RFID electronic identifier button.

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