After more than 7 months without new cases, veterinary authorities in Manitoba (Canada) have confirmed 3 new outbreaks of porcine epidemic diarrhea (PED) in the province this May.
The affected farms, two sow farms and one fattening farm, are in the southwest of Manitoba.

On the other hand, as of May 9, 2017, nine of the 13 premises in Manitoba previously confirmed to have PED, are now determined to be PED Presumptive Negative following a negative status protocol developed by the Chief Veterinary Office (CVO) and Manitoba's swine veterinarians.
A PED Presumptive Negative premises is a premises where the affected producer has implemented strict measures to eliminate PED from all pigs and pig contact areas and have confirmed the virus has been eliminated through repeated animal and environmental testing. However, a potential PED risk still remains within the manure storage system.
Martes, 9 de mayo de 2017/ Manitoba Government/ Canada.