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Canada: Government invests to strengthen pork sector

Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz announced investments of nearly $2 million to strengthen traceability and biosecurity in Canada’s pork industry.

19 February 2015

Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz announced investments of nearly $2 million to strengthen traceability and biosecurity in Canada’s pork industry.

The Canadian Pork Council will receive up to $1.6 million towards the ongoing maintenance and implementation of PigTrace Canada, an industry-led national swine traceability system. The Canadian Swine Health Board (CSHB) will receive up to $351,000 in additional federal funding to assist the industry with the long-term management of swine health issues and the prevention of the Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus (PEDv).

Thursday February 12, 2015/ Government of Canada.

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