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Canada: government supports industry-led study to explore price hog hedging program

Minister Gerry Ritz announced an investment of up to $169,530 to the CPC to explore the feasibility of developing a hedging program that would offer price stability and address the cash flow needs of Canadian hog producers.

14 July 2015

Bev Shipley, Member of Parliament for Lambton-Kent-Middlesex and Chair of the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food, on behalf of Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz today announced an investment of up to $169,530 to the Canadian Pork Council (CPC) to explore the feasibility of developing a hedging program that would offer price stability and address the cash flow needs of Canadian hog producers.

This support will enable CPC to study the risks and impacts of hog market price fluctuations on producers, and explore the potential of developing a hog hedging program to mitigate that risk. Under the project, consultations will occur with producers, financial institutions, packing plants, and organizations providing risk management services to producers for their assessment of this risk.

Friday July 10, 2015/ Government/ Canada.

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