The governments of Canada and Ontario are investing up to $2 million under Growing Forward 2 so that farmers and others who work with farm animals can receive training in animal care.
Farm and Food Care will develop training materials, deliver courses and help farmers implement new practices into their operations under the two-year program, which will be offered beginning this September. It will help those who work with farm animals keep up to date with the latest research, standards and practices related to farm animal care.
Producers, processors, organizations and collaborations can also receive support under Growing Forward 2 for activities that enhance animal welfare, including training, skills development, and project planning and implementation.
The Animal Health Act, 2009 was created to keep Ontario's animals safe and the agri-food industry strong. Codes of Practice for pigs, beef cattle, dairy cattle, horses, sheep, farmed fox and mink have recently been updated. Codes of Practice for chickens, turkeys and breeders, as well as for poultry-layers, are soon to be released.
Monday April 28, 2014/ Government of Canada/ Canada.