After three years of multi-stakeholder consultations and a 60-day public comment period, the Canadian Pork Council (CPC) and the National Farm Animal Care Council (NFACC) are pleased to announce the release of the new Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Pigs. The Code is available electronically at
Highlights of the revised Code include a full commitment to adopt loose housing for sows and gilts in all new facilities built after July 1, 2014, new pain control requirements and enhanced environmental enrichment.

The Code’s development was led by a 17-person Code committee comprised of pig producers, animal welfare and enforcement representatives, researchers, transporters, processors, veterinarians and government representatives. Aiding in their work was a six-person Scientific Committee that included research and veterinary expertise in pig behaviour, health and welfare.
Canada’s Codes of Practice are a powerful tool for meeting rising consumer, marketplace and societal expectations relative to farm animal welfare. Codes support responsible animal care practices and keep everyone involved in farm animal care and handling on the same page. They are our national understanding of animal care requirements and recommended practices, providing a foundation for animal care assessment programs and in some provinces, regulatory activities.
Thursday March 6, 2014
CPC/ Canada.
NFACC/ Canada. >