Manitoba's Chief Veterinary Officer says all pig movements on and off PED infected farms are being tracked in an effort to identify the source of infection and to ensure it does not spread to other farms, according to Farmscape.
Over the past month three Manitoba swine farms have been confirmed infected by Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea.
Dr. Megan Bergman, Manitoba's Chief Veterinary Officer, says the main focus right now is to contain and eradicate the outbreak.

The CVO Office works really closely with the affected producers, their private veterinarians as well as industry stakeholders to evaluate all movements on and off of affected farms.
In addition the CVO's office is working with the affected farms and their private veterinarians to conduct surveillance of all farms that have been in contact with the affected farms.
According to Manitoba's Chief Veterinary Officer, "we do know that all of the three farms have the same strain of the virus and this is also the same strain that's been identified in Ontario as well as the U.S. But it will take us some time to get through all of the detail of our epidemiological investigation so it may take several weeks or months for us to be able to come up with a report of what we think may have happened."
Tuesday June 21, 2016/ Farmscape/ Canada.