The red tape reduction and government efficiency act would amend or repeal 15 pieces of legislation to reduce the red tape that is creating burdens on business, non-profits, municipalities, private citizens and government officials.
The proposed legislation would:

- repeal The Public-Private Partnerships Transparency and Accountability Act, The Manitoba Natural Resources Development Act and The Health Services Act;
- remove duplication and inconsistency of government reporting requirements in The Fisheries Act and Ecological Reserves Act;
- streamline arbitration procedures in The Labour Relations Act;
- replace triennial government cheque-cashing rate reviews currently mandated by The Consumer Protection Act with reviews to be undertaken at the request of the minister;
- clarify definitions within The Residential Tenancies Act;
- reduce reporting requirements in The Veterinary Services Act;
- remove hazardous waste facility licence requirements for used oil and oil burner collection facilities if they meet specific standards in The Dangerous Goods Handling and Transportation Act regulations;
- eliminate the need for ministerial approvals for municipalities to charge more than a specified amount to property owners for controlling noxious weeds under The Noxious Weeds Act;
- replace government-issued arborist licences under The Forest Health and Protection Act with recognized third-party certification from the International Society of Arboriculture;
- remove general prohibitions from The Environment Act for the expansion of hog barns and manure storage facilities;
- eliminate un-proclaimed provisions of The Groundwater and Water Well Act that require identification plates on each drilling machine and require engineers or geoscientists to submit reports; and
- modify The Drinking Water Safety Act to reduce the frequency of major audits on small, semi-public water systems (e.g. campgrounds), eliminate the need for permits for minor alterations to water systems and align laboratory reporting requirements to the risk to human health.
Thursday March 16, 2017/ Government of Manitoba/ Canada.