
Canada - Swine disease surveillance

Canada is enhancing the way it monitors the national swine herd for federally reportable swine diseases.
20 January 2011
Canada is enhancing the way it monitors the national swine herd for federally reportable swine diseases.

Historically, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has conducted periodic, large-scale surveys for porcine brucellosis, trichinellosis and pseudorabies (Aujeszky's disease). Under the enhanced surveillance system, samples will be regularly collected and tested.

The enhanced surveillance system will allow Canada to confidently demonstrate freedom from porcine brucellosis, trichinellosis and pseudorabies. This initiative is a partnership between the CFIA, the swine industry and provincial and territorial authorities.

Surveillance for these three diseases is critical for maintaining market access for our top-quality swine, swine semen and pork products. The surveillance system will also play a role in protecting human health, as brucellosis and trichinellosis can be transmitted to people.


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