
Canada welcomes the establishment of a WTO Compliance Panel on U.S. COOL dispute

The purpose of a WTO compliance panel is to determine whether measures found to violate WTO obligations have been brought into conformity with WTO obligations.

3 October 2013

Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz and International Trade Minister Ed Fast are pleased with the establishment of a World Trade Organization (WTO) compliance panel on U.S. Country of Origin Labelling (COOL) on September 25, in Geneva.

Canada maintains that the U.S. has failed to bring its COOL measure into conformity with its WTO obligations. It believes that the recent amendments to the COOL regulations will further hinder the ability of Canadian cattle and hog producers to freely compete in the U.S.

The purpose of a WTO compliance panel is to determine whether measures found to violate WTO obligations have been brought into conformity with WTO obligations. The panel is composed of all original members of the WTO panel established in 2009 on the same issue, which will accelerate the process.

Wednesday October 2, 2013/ Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada/ Canada.

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