The Canadian organic industry is updating its standards and pursuing new domestic and international markets with a $500 000 investment by the Government of Canada.
The Organic Federation of Canada is receiving nearly $300 000 to modernize the Canadian Organic Standards and improve processes to encourage small operators to become certified, which will result in a more consistent approach for the organic sector.

More than $200 000 will go to the Canada Organics Trade Association to create a marketing campaign to promote Canadian organics at a national and international level. The strategy is to strengthen relationships with partners across Canada to support the launch of a generic Canada Brand-based campaign profiling organic products.
The organic sector continues to grow at a steady rate, with demand outstripping supply. Sales of organic foods in Canada are estimated to have tripled since 2006. The Canada Organic Trade Association estimated retail sales in 2012 at $3 billion and exports at $458 million, with most exports going to the United States and the European Union (EU).
This investment was made through Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s AgriMarketing Program, a five-year, $341-million initiative under Growing Forward 2 that helps farmers and food processors compete in markets at home and abroad. It supports the agriculture industry by creating and maintaining access to markets and taking advantage of market opportunities.
Friday November 22, 2013/ Agriculture and AgriFood Canada/ Canada.