The Foreign Affair Service (USDA) published its analysis of the Canadian livestock industry prospects in 2018, in which it appears that the Canadian pig herd will increase, and that, with high animal performances, the impact of the losses due to the porcine epidemic diarrhoea in the region of Manitoba will be minimal. The number of slaughterings will increase, and the production capacity of the 3 main producing regions (Manitoba, Quebec and Alberta) will become equal.
In 2018, record pork exports are expected, mainly based on the consumption patterns in Asia. The counterpoint is that the US exports are expected to drop as a consequence of the rise in its herd and the number of slaughterings. The expansion of the pig sector in the USA versus Canada is due to the lower costs in the fattening of the animals and to the higher slaughtering capacity. These conditions make that the export of piglets and fattened animals is expected to grow.

Thursday, February 1st, 2018/ Foreign News/ Spain.