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Canadian pork quality standards released

The official Canadian Pork Quality Standards (CPQS) for meat colour, fat colour and marbling (intramuscular fat) have now been released.

15 January 2014

The official Canadian Pork Quality Standards (CPQS) for meat colour, fat colour and marbling (intramuscular fat) have now been released, announced by Canada Pork International (CPI).

The CPQS project began in 2009 in collaboration with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), the Canadian Centre for Swine Improvement (CCSI) and included a number of meat scientists and industry experts across Canada working together to develop and test the standards to create a measurement tool for the Canadian pork industry.

The introduction of Canadian standards to measure pork quality beyond traditional carcass yield and fat cover provides a unique mechanism to establish quantifiable points of differentiation. Enhanced pork quality standards will improve the competitive advantage for innovative producers and meat processors looking to differentiate their products based on specific meat quality attributes for the most discerning domestic and export markets.

CPQS include six meat colour levels, four fat colour levels and six marbling score categories representing a wide cross selection of pork meat quality attributes. The standards are reproduced on a hand held grading ruler printed in full colour on 16-point food grade PVC plastic and includes a nickel grommet for metal detection and a storage pouch. The meat and fat colour standards correlate with the Japanese Meat Grading Association standards and will calibrate with a Minolta colour meter.

Thursday, January 9, 2014/ Manitoba Pork/ Canada.

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