
Canadian Swine Health Intelligence Network announced

Among other things, the network will facilitate more formal and detailed discussions about health issues among swine practitioners.

13 April 2012

The Canadian Swine Health Board (CSHB) has announced the establishment of the Canadian Swine Health Intelligence Network (CSHIN). As part of its mandate, the CSHB completed an exhaustive analysis of the gaps in national surveillance needs within the Canadian hog industry, and undertook a competitive process to address these gaps.

Among other things, the network will facilitate more formal and detailed discussions about health issues among swine practitioners, backed by a data network that will assist in understanding trends in current endemic diseases such as PRRS or Brachyspira infections. CSHIN will also focus efforts at identifying new health concerns as they arise.

It is envisioned that the CSHIN will also incorporate intelligence from the many surveillance systems already in place if access is granted, and provide even greater value to stakeholders. Since this project is just beginning, operating protocols and terms of reference will be developed through consultations with industry stakeholders.

Saturday March 31, 2012/ Canadian Swine Health Board/ Canada

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