
Changes in the Veterinary Certificate for slaughter pigs exported from the European Union to the Russian Federation

Taking into consideration the improvement of the situation connected with swine erysipelas, the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance coordinated DG-SANCO to correct the veterinary certificate for slaughter pigs exported from the European Union to the Russian Federation.
2 September 2009
Taking into consideration the improvement of the situation connected with swine erysipelas, the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance coordinated DG-SANCO to correct the veterinary certificate for slaughter pigs exported from the European Union to the Russian Federation initialed on 11.08.2006 in terms of:
• removal of Section 4.4. concerning passive immunization against swine erysipelas;
• inclusion into Section 4.5 of the following paragraph: “The test for the disease can be skipped if the exporting country is free from the diseases in accordance with the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code”. In this case the veterinarian who issued this veterinarian certificate should indicate next to the disease “The exporting country is officially free from the disease, the test was not carried out” and seal and sign this record.


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