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Chile approves bill on the use of the term "meat"

The bill in Chile prohibits the use of the word "meat" to describe hamburgers, chorizos, and sausages of vegetable origin.

3 May 2023

Deputies approved in general -and without debate- the bill that regulates the categorization of the concept of "meat". The initiative sought to prohibit classifying under such denomination an edible product that is not of animal origin.

The regulation establishes that the term "meat" is defined by the edible part of the muscles of food animals such as cattle, sheep, pigs, horses, goats, camelids and other species fit for human consumption.

In its proceedings, the Agriculture Committee approved an indication that also limits the use of other food concepts. Thus, the words hamburgers, chorizos, sausages, cured meats, among others, could not be used for products that have a higher proportion of products of vegetable origin than meat.

The regulation also states that game meat, in its handling, processing, packaging, storage, distribution, and sale procedures, must comply with the provisions of the Food Sanitary Regulations. Likewise, they must respect the technical norm, approved by decree of the Ministry of Health, which will be published in the Official Gazette.

The motion was supported by 84 votes in favor, 41 against, and 8 abstentions in the general vote. However, it will have to return to the respective commission because it is the target of amendments. The purpose of these is to revert the limitation established in the legislative debate to also allow the commercialization of plant-based products.

April 17, 2023/ Chamber of Deputies/ Chile.

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