The Chilean pork exports attained a new historic record in 2015: 55% of the Chilean pork was exported, so the Chilean industry has become established as a leader in meat exports, according to the Association of Pig Producers of Chile (ASPROCER).
The main kind of meat exported by Chile is pork. It is estimated that in 2015 the shippings reached USD467 million. The first destination in terms of importance was South Korea, with 30% of the total exports. China is a growing market, with an increase by 27% in terms of the exported value in 2015.
On the other hand, the Chilean pork imports grew again in 2015, increasing by 17% with respect to 2014. In this context, the USA have kept being the main provider, with a market share of 39%, followed by Canada.
Regarding the trade balance of the pig industry, it was positive, exceeding USD350 million. During 2015, the pig industry comprised 60% of the total Chilean meat exports.
With respect to the production, pork held the second place in terms of economic importance, representing 35% of the total meat production in terms of volume.
Wednesday, 6 January 2016/ Asprocer/ Chile.