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Chile exports more than half of the pork it produces

So far this year, the Chilean pork industry has exported more than half of the meat produced (53%.)

9 September 2015

According to the Association of Pork Producers of Chile, ASPROCER, the Chilean pork industry has exported so far this year more than half of the meat produced (53%), with a total of 137,000 tonnes carcass weight exported —an increase of 1% over the same period last year.

Chilean pork plants are authorized to send their products to over 35 countries, including, but not limited to, Mexico, USA, European Union, South Korea and Japan. The main current export destinations of Chilean pork products, are, in order of importance: South Korea, Japan, China and Russia.

Exports to South Korea in particular increased by more than 60% in volume between January and June 2015, while exports to China increased by 18%. As per Russia, even though exports recorded a lower apparent value compared to last year, the export volume grew by 101%.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015 / Asprocer / Chile.

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