The Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Carlos Furche, together with representatives of the private sector, set up, last week, the Public-Private Food Exporters' Board, whose aim is to promote and expand the presence of Chile in the world as an exporter of safe foods from the agriculture, livestock and aquaculture sectors.
Among the subjects in this Board's agenda we must highlight the exporters' promotion fund, the management of animal health alerts, the electronic animal health certification, the food industry standardised information, food harmlessness, overseas promotion of foods, the inclusion of small farmers in the distribution channels, and the SAG's modernisation process, among others.

The redoubling of efforts to improve the harmlessness standards in the sector is one of the key aspects for the Minister. This will allow to tackle the markets with a comparative advantage that is appreciated overseas.
Friday, 14 November 2014/ ASPROCER/ Chile.