To increase the fluidity of the cross-border transit of goods, the Chilean National Customs Service has implemented the Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) Pilot Programme, that is made up by four exporting companies (among them there is one from the pig industry). The exporting companies that make up this Pilot Programme are Agrosuper, Codelco, Virutex and Arauco.
With the implementation of this programme, Chile will match other countries that already have this system. This will enable some economies to strengthen links between their AEO programmes in the future by means of Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRA), allowing the Customs Departments to establish bilateral flows with high safety and foreseeability standards and, at the same time, provide equivalet advantages guided towards the improvement of its competitiveness with respect to the rest of the countries that are not a part of the programme.
Friday, 11 September 2015/ Asprocer/ Chile.