After the recurrence of the PRRS in Chile (where it had been eradicated) in mid-October, the OIE has issued two new reports with new outbreaks of the disease.
Up to this moment a total of 6 outbreaks have been detected. The 5 new outbreaks that the OIE has informed about in its two latest reports are located in María Pinto (Melipilla, outbreaks no. 2 and 3) and Paine (Maipo, outbreaks no. 4, 5 and 6).
- Outbreak no. 2: fattening pigs (21 to 72 days old) from the same company in which the event originated. Clinical signs have been observed and serological tests were positive on October 17th.
- Outbreak no. 3: fattening pigs belonging to the same company in which the other two outbreaks have been detected. No clinical signs have been observed; serological tests were positive on October 18th.
- Outbreak no. 4: non-industrial fattening farm that buys and sells animals of the porcine species. These animals are fed with garbage. On September 3rd, clinical signs of diarrhoea and mortality were observed in piglets. This event was not notified to the Official Veterinary Service. Subsequently, on September 25th, the establishment was sampled within the exotic diseases surveillance programme for other diseases (not including PRRS) and sera from this sampling were used subsequently, on October 25th, for the diagnosis of PRRS.
- Outbreak no. 5: backyard adjacent to the outbreak no. 4. This farm has bought pigs from the farm related to the outbreak no. 4.
- Outbreak no. 6: backyard adjacent to the outbreak no. 4. This farm has bought pigs from the farm related to the outbreak no. 4.
Thursday October 30, 2013/ OIE.