According to the Chilean Pig Producers' Association (Asprocer), during the first 9 months of 2014, a total of 309,000 tonnes of meat were exported (with a total value of USD654 million), and 62% of them were pork.
During 2014, the Chilean pig industry has been able to improve its share in the international market, reaching a higher price for its products. This explains that, although there was a drop by 5% in the exported volume in the January-September period, the exported FOB value grew by 4%, reaching USD347 million.

The high quality of the Chilean pork has allowed it to compete strongly with the pork exporting leaders, such as US Canada, Denmark and the EU. This allowed it to take advantage of the market opportunities in 2014 due to the lower production in US because of health problems, the closure of the Russia market to the EU due to health problems, and the higher Asian demand.
Friday, 26 December 2014/ ASPROCER7 Chile.