Last week, the Regulations of the Law on the Labelling of Foods were published in the Official Journal of Chile.
With these new regulations, Chile becomes one of the first countries in the world in which a labelling of foods that warns about the high contents in critical nutrients for health is compulsory, the Minister of Health, Ms. Carmen Castillo, informed.

As of June 2016, all the containers of food products with levels of nutrients over the established recommended values will have to be marked with the phrase 'HIGH IN' on a black background, thus becoming a warning that 'will be more specific, clearer and accurate for people', the Minister of Health detailed.
The aim of the design of this warning is to show the message clearly so it can be easily understood. It will have to be located on the main label, 'so it is visible, especially for under-14s', the Secretary of State said.
The regulations establish that the selling of fods 'HIGH IN' is forbidden in schools. Their advertisement in channels of expression for under-14s is also forbidden.
Such foods or products will not be able to use, for their advertising, including their writing and container, elements that specially attract the attention or the interest of under-14s.
Friday, 26 June 2015/ Ministry of Health/ Chile.