The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) is an economic agreement that includes 11 nations: Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Perú, Singapore and Vietnam.
“Thanks to the reduction of the ad valorem tariff, to 2.2% as of the first year, and to 0% as of the tenth year since the enforcement of the agreement, together with a decrease in the gate price, it will be possible to introduce, in the Japanese market, cheaper pork cuts that could be competitive in this market”, explains Mr. Juan Carlos Domínguez, the Executive President of the Chilean Meat Exporters Association (ExpoCarnes).
The pork shipments to the CPTPP countries reached USD141 million in 2017, with Japan being the first destination in terms of value, with USD116 million, this representing 25% of the Chilean pork exports. “With the agreement under way, the shipments could increase by 10-15%”, Mr Juan Carlos Domínguez reckons.
Tuesday, March 13th, 2018/ ASPROCER/ Chile.