Results of the Chilean pork industry in 2024. Prepared by 333 Latin America with data from the Chilean Office of Agricultural Studies and Policies (ODEPA).
- Increase in pig slaughter: 5,531,737 head were recorded in 2024, up 1.0% compared to the 5,476,066 head in 2023.
- Growth in pork production: pork production in 2024 reached 585,386 tons (t), an increase of 0.5% over the 582,652 t in the previous year.
- Regional distribution of production: 90% of swine production was concentrated in the Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins region, 8% in Maule, and the remaining 2% in other regions.
- Positive regional performance: the Maule, Santiago, and Los Ríos - Los Lagos regions showed growth rates of 4.0%, 7.1%, and 87.0%, respectively.
- Challenges in some regions: Ñuble, La Araucanía, and Valparaíso experienced decreases in pig production of 6.9%, 5.2%, and 31.8%, respectively.
- Increase in imports: the volume of imports in 2024 stood at 131,625 t, an increase of 18.1% compared to 2023. The value of these imports reached USD CIF 365.3 million, 19.2% higher than the 2023 total.
- Exports and their value: although exports decreased by 2.1% in 2024, from 274,017 t to 268,182 t, their FOB value was USD 749.1 million, 3.0% more than the value consolidated in 2023.

Monthly evolution of Chilean pork imports and exports in 2024. Prepared by 333 Latin America with data from the Chilean Office of Agricultural Studies and Policies (ODEPA).

- Increase in apparent consumption: In 2024, apparent consumption reached 448,829 t, an increase of 6.9% compared to the 420,049 t recorded in 2023. Per capita consumption was estimated at approximately 22 kg per habitant.
- Share of domestic production and imports: The share of domestic production in total apparent consumption increased from 73.5% in 2023 to 70.7% in 2024. The share of imports increased from 26.5% to 29.3% in the same period.
333 Latin America with data from the Office of Agrarian Studies and Policies of Chile (ODEPA)