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China adopts new measures to stop the spreading of ASF

Among other measures, the Ministry of Agriculture has decided to forbid the use of food scraps to feed pigs.

26 October 2018

Bearing in mind that the use of food scraps to feed pigs is an important route of infection, and that in China they are frequently used, at first it was decided to forbid their use in the affected and the adjacent provinces.

Bearing in mind that the first studies have shown that 62% of the first 21 ASF outbreaks were related to the use of food scraps, that nucleic acid from the virus has been detected in the food scraps used on a farm located in Inner Mongolia, and that after the ban on the use of food scraps in several provinces, the spreading of the disease has decreased, the Chinese Government has decided to extend the ban on the use of food scraps to feed pigs to all the country.

The Ministry also announced in its statement that a registration system for the vehicles that transport live pigs, fowl and other species will be implemented to control better the spreading of the disease as well as the slaughtering of the animals in abattoirs that are near the farms. The long-distance transport of live pigs has been the main path for the spreading of ASF in different regions.

Wednesday, October 24th, 2018/ MoA/ China.

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