
China - Animal husbandry makes significant achievements

During the Eleventh Five-Year Plan period, animal husbandry has made significant achievements in ensuring effective supplies of meat, eggs and milk and improving quality and safety of feed and animal products as well as safety and improvement of ecosystems, and maintained a steady and sustained momentum of development in general.
31 January 2011
During the Eleventh Five-Year Plan period, animal husbandry has made significant achievements in ensuring effective supplies of meat, eggs and milk and improving quality and safety of feed and animal products as well as safety and improvement of ecosystems, and maintained a steady and sustained momentum of development in general.

Sustained growth of animal production. It is expected that the production of meat, eggs and milk would be 78.50 million tons, 27.60 million tons, and 37.40 million tons, respectively, or an increase of 13.1%, 13.2% and 31%, respectively, compared with 2005. Effective supplies for markets have been ensured. Currently, the country’s per capita availability of meat is 58.8kg which is higher than the world average, and that of eggs is 20.7kg which is higher than developed countries.

Rapid development of large scale and standardized animal farming. It is expected that in 2010 large scale pig farms with over 50 heads sold and dairy cow farms with population of over 20 heads would be 66% and 47% of the total, respectively, or an increase of 29 and 20 percentage points, respectively, compared with 2005. The share of mechanized milking accounts for 87% or 47 percentage points higher than 2005. More feed manufacturing enterprises have been concentrated. Grassland animal husbandry has improved its production practices. For example, now there are over 40 million animals under shelter feeding instead of natural grazing.


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