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China confirms an ASF outbreak in a new province

The new outbreak is located in the province of Heilongjiang, where we can find the live pig market that supplied the abattoir in the province of Henan.

6 September 2018

The WOAH/OIE has confirmed a new African swine fever (ASF) outbreak, this time in the province of Heilongjiang, in the north of China, where we can find the live pig market that supplied the abattoir in Zhengzhou (located in the province of Henan), that is more than 2,000 km away from where the second outbreak was declared.

The confirmed outbreak is located on a backyard farm in Fanjia Tun, Changqing Township (Jiamusi), and has 87 susceptible animals and 39 cases.

<p>ASF China</p>

Wednesday, September 5th, 2018/ OIE.

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