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China continues to reduce soymeal use in animal feed

The Chinese government continues to implement plans to reduce and replace soybean meal in animal feeds.

8 January 2024

In 2023, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs implemented a comprehensive plan to reduce and replace soybean meal in animal feeds. This involved promoting low-protein diets, utilizing domestic protein resources, encouraging the use of grass instead of feed in cattle and sheep farming, and continuing to reduce the consumption of soybean meal. Efforts were made to evaluate the nutritional value of feed raw materials. A low-protein feed standard system was developed, along with an e-book on diversified feed formulas.

The proportion of soybean meal in the diet continued to decrease. In the first 11 months of 2023, the total output of industrial feed increased by 4% year-on-year, but soybean meal consumption by feed companies decreased by 11%.

Progress was also made in exploring alternative protein feed resources, including a breakthrough in Clostridium ethanol protein preparation technology and the industrialized development of new feed protein through biological carbon fixation technology. Additionally, initiatives were taken to expand the use of food scraps as feed.

December 25, 2023/ Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/ China.

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