
China - Guangzhou slaughter plants to test all pork for clenbuterol

On March 15, authorities in Guangzhou closed a major livestock wholesale market following more than 100 reported cases of food poisoning caused by consumption of pork contaminated with clenbuterol, a banned steroid. Following the closing, authorities reported a large number of pigs from a separate wholesale market tested positive for clenbuterol by a slaughter facility. An initial investigation found that contaminated pigs came from individual farms in Henan province. As a result of the widespread clenbuterol incidents, Guangzhou authorities are now requiring pork plants test all incoming pigs prior to slaughter.
26 March 2009
On March 15, authorities in Guangzhou closed a major livestock wholesale market following more than 100 reported cases of food poisoning caused by consumption of pork contaminated with clenbuterol, a banned steroid. Following the closing, authorities reported a large number of pigs from a separate wholesale market tested positive for clenbuterol by a slaughter facility. An initial investigation found that contaminated pigs came from individual farms in Henan province. As a result of the widespread clenbuterol incidents, Guangzhou authorities are now requiring pork plants test all incoming pigs prior to slaughter.


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